marketing services

Our Services

From design to development to marketing and sales, Terry Collier, MSc. & Associates provides a variety of services in the seniors housing industry.

Development Services

As Development Managers, Terry Collier &Associates engages services from conception to turnover of seniors property. We address feasibility, location analysis, budgeting, selection of General Contractor and project value. Our team can deliver the following:

  • Evaluation of the current market (analysis of key competitiors)
  • Analysis of trends and market changes (research including focus groups and demographic studies)
  • Site selection includingnegotiatingpurchase contract with terms that sustain the project
  • StrategicPlanning, Financial Modelingand all documentation needed for financing
  • All documentation and negotiations with Municipal/City departments
  • Facilitatingthe design concept and selection of Architect
terry collier MSc and Associates

Management Services

Our management services are designed to make distinctive, substantial and lasting improvements in the performance of the properties we serve. Through consulting, mentorship, coaching and training, we help our clients define excellence and success in their own terms. We then work together to find solutions that encompass all aspects of the operation of the property.  Our focused approach yields significant and ongoing performance improvements.

Over the years we have developed proven systems, processes and solutions that enhance operations and services. We support our clients in implementing sound policies, organizational structures and effective methods of organizational management and revenue controls to support each property.

At the same time, we are adept at balancing the need to attain operational efficiencies with the need to maintain the quality of programs and services.

Our team meets regularly with owners to provide reports on key performance indicators, including detailed financial reports, quality management and compliance with regulations and standards.

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Consulting Services

Terry Collier &Associates offers a wide range of consulting services designed for individual homes and operators. Our expert team of consultants provides years of practical experience and a proven track record in delivering functional, creative and innovative solutions. All of these services can be adapted to suit individual client’s requirements. They include:

  • Operational Reviews We perform a comprehensive review of existing operational processes, systems, programs and services and then make recommendations to enhance efficiencies, outcomes and overall quality of services through cost-effective analysis.
  • Departmental Reviews We provide a comprehensive review of identified aspects of a program or department that need improvement, such as staffing, core functions, departmental processes and systems.
  • Resource Management Strategies We perform a review of staffing models, patterns and ratios, job descriptions and core functions. We also assist with the interpretation of collective agreements and preparatory work for upcoming negotiations.
  • Compliance Support We provide leadership, support and guidance to staff in the implementation of processes and systems to effectively meet changes to regulatory requirements.
  • Cost Efficiency Studies We provide a comprehensive review of revenues and expenditures in all departments and programs to identify opportunities for creating and maintaining cost efficiencies.
  • Quality Improvement Program We provide a comprehensive review of the indicators, processes, quality reports, trending and outcomes, which can be tailored to individual homes or organizations. We assist with the development of quality improvement plans and narratives and provide guidance through quality initiatives.
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Architectural Services

Schematic design, parking, suite and amenity room analysis are our specialty. Our team can deliver the following:

  • Concept Design
  • Contract Administration
  • Energy Efficiency Analysis
  • Construction Budgeting/Tendering
  • Building Code Analysis
  • Interior Design including Furniture Fixture and Equipment selection
architectural drawing

Marketing/Sales & Leasing Services

We offer robust marketing/sales & leasing strategies. We understand that time costs money and therefore our team is profession and efficient when meeting occupancy requirements.

Our team offers the following services:

  • Focus Group Presentations/Analysis
  • Community Engagement
  • PublicRelations
  • Special Event Marketing
  • Creation of all collateral materials
  • Digital Communications
  • Stakeholder Relations
public relations event

Providing a variety of services in the seniors housing industry – from design to development to marketing and sales.

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